Brick Lovers – Build Your Very Own LEGO Minifigure Piñata in Just Five Easy Steps
Though it might not be as easy to watch it get smashed to smithereens by your partygoers.

Materials Needed (besides your LEGO Imagination):
- Large Cardboard Box
- Masking Tape
- Clear Tape
- Streamers
- Scissors
- Black Marker
- Candy
- Rope
- Printer (Optional)
- X-Acto Knife or Box Cutter (Optional)
- Tissue Paper (Optional)
Step 1 – Draw or Outline Your Shape
Sketch or use a template to outline your LEGO Minifigure on the cardboard box. We enlarged this image to 300% it’s normal size on our home printer. After piecing together the printed pages with clear tape on the backside, we traced the image onto the largest side of the cardboard box using a black marker. Repeat this step to create two LEGO Minifigure cutouts. Don’t worry about making an exact replica, authenticity is part of the custom-made fun.

Step 2 – Cut Out Your Shapes
Ask an adult to use scissors, X-Acto knife or a box cutter, to cut out your LEGO Minifigure shapes. You should have two cardboard figures that look something similar to this cutout:

Step 3 – Build Your Piñata
Add cardboard sides to create your 3D LEGO minifigure. The cardboard sides should be at least 1.5 inches. Use masking tape to secure the sides in place. Some people use toilet paper rolls inside their figure to keep the form sturdy while taping.

Add more tape for stability and strength.

Step 4 – Decorate your LEGO minifigure
Decorate your piñata by adding colorful streamer. To get the true piñata look, cut fringe on each streamer strip. The fringe should be just less than half the streamer height. Use clear tape to attach each fringed streamer to your LEGO Minifigure. We added a layer of tissue paper to his feet for a clean looking base. Best practice: start from the bottom of your figure and work your way up. We added a base row of unfringed streamer around each foot so that the cardboard would not be exposed. You only have to add one row of base streamer to avoid exposing cardboard.

Keeping layering the streamer until the front and sides of your LEGO Minifigure are covered. We left the top of the his head open to add the piñata candy and goodies at a later time.

Now just add a face and clothing details as the finishing touch to your custom piñata.

Step 5 – Fill your LEGO Minifigure
Pack your piñata full of treasures. We used Walmart’s pre-packaged piñata candy and added some one dollar coins and bills.
Hang Your pinata:
Fine rope around your pinata’s neck will hang him in place steadily. We tried hanging him from a hole in his head but it didn’t seem secure enough. You could probably hang him from his arms too.

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